Tag Archive: how to make

Tie Dyeing Old T-Shirt


Things you need:

Old cotton T-shirt

Large thread or rubber band

Cloth dye




First, wash a 100 percent cotton T-shirt.

Second, place the wet shirt flat on the work surface.

Next, tie knots in the T-shirt, or twist it and secure the folds with rubber bands or heavy-duty thread.

After that, mix 1/2 c. liquid dye (or 1 package powdered dye) in 1 lt. hot water.

Dissolve 5 tbsp. table salt in the mixture.

Fifth, let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Then, put the entire shirt in the dye and let it soak for at least 20 minutes.

Next, rinse the shirt in cold water until the water runs clear.

Then, undo the knots and rinse the shirt again.

Ninth, hang the shirt to dry, out of the sun.


  1. Old CDs
  2. Hair dryer/oven
  3. Metal bowl
  4. Glue
  5. Small saucer/something to cover the CD hole



First, place the CD in a metal bowl and heat it with a hair dryer. Or put it in the oven

on low heat.

Then, bend the CD softly when it softens.

After that, let it cool off.

Finally, glue a small plastic saucer or anything to cover the hole.

Making Candy Container

Do you have can at home? Can has many benefit for us. We can use clean tuna and cat food cans to make holiday candy containers.

First, paint the outside of the cans white. Then, punch two holes near the top edge on opposite sides and used light weight craft wire to make a little handle. Now it sort of looks like a little basket. After that, stamp around the outside with simple shapes made from kitchen sponge and craft paint, as hearts, Christmas trees, shamrocks, etc. Next, fill rectangles of coloured cellophane with a few pieces of hard candy and tie the top with a piece of narrow ribbon and put that inside the can.